Many clients are convinced their specific product or service is in-demand! Many times their assessment is wrong. Don’t blame Google Ads for your business model.
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Sometimes it’s the timing of your entry into the market with Google Ads. In other cases, it’s your pricing or the geographic locations in which you choose to advertise.
Don’t Blame Google for Your Business Model When It’s The Competition
In still other cases, your product or service is in a highly competitive business vertical and there are so many competitors using Google Ads you must spend more to get leads or sales. When you do get leads or sales from Google Ads you want to be sure your business model doesn’t mishandle them! In other words, don’t blame Google for your business model.
Here are a few examples. A Covid plexiglass barrier client entered the market with Google Ads too late in Dec. of 2020 after most establishments had either closed or already installed barriers. While there was initially high interest in these products from the start of Covid-19 in March of 2020, by the time his ads appeared on Google the demand had already peaked and began to wane.
This client’s pricing is at the high end and many people searching on Google are looking for DIY (do it yourself) bulk plexiglass. Search volume trends on Google show the Covid pandemic’s initial interest quickly waned. There is not enough search volume for his campaigns to succeed over time.
Don’t Blame Google for Your Business Model When It’s Your Personal Preference
A professional painting client receives 6% conversion rates in Chicago for his decorating and interior painting business. The client reports the leads he receives from his Google Ads campaign are paying for the campaign. However, this client didn’t like helping people with wallpapering projects because he saw himself as a painter. Furthermore, he resented the fact the competitive auction insights report showed CertaPro Painters as competing with him. See ad below. This man believed his painting service was much better than anything CertaPro had to offer. He would not accept the fact they were eating into his market share.

CertaPro Google Pay Per Click Ad
Don’t Blame Google for Your Business Model If You Have Too Many Product SKUs
Let’s say you are in the eCommerce business. You researched your products, their variations like color, finish, size, as well as your pricing and shipping – right? Here’s a pop quiz. You have 1,000 product SKUs each with 3 different color options and 3 different sizes. Do you want to advertise 1,000 x 3 x 3 = 9,000 variations each in its own ad group on Google Shopping? Answer. No – you don’t! Because to do that means you will be paying per click for thousands of ads that will not sell in enough quantity to return your Google Ads investment.
Conclusion. Your Business Model Planning and Research Must Be Done Before You Advertise
You can waste far more money on Google Ads than what you pay a professional Google Premier Agency like US Marketing to plan, research, and develop a well-thought-out digital ad campaign. The real cost of Google Ads is not what you pay your agency, but whether you are getting a return on your advertising spend. If your business model has not taken into account geography, search volume trends, timing in the market, seasonality, SKUs volume, pricing, and your competition to name just a few variables, then don’t blame Google.
For more information about US Marketing’s research, planning, and strategy service including competitive analysis, contact us for a risk-free consultation.