Frequently Asked Questions & Privacy Policy
US Marketing strives to provide quality services. If you don't find the answer to your question here please contact us directly.
Clients pay Google directly for their advertising so there is never any question about what you are paying for advertising vs. what you pay our company for management fees. We bill our fees monthly separately on your credit card.
After the first 90 days you can end your campaign with 30 days written notice to us. However, you will be responsible for any Google advertising accrued clicks and our fee through the time of service. Example: campaign starts on Jan. 1 and you fulfill your 90 day minimum. On April 15 you give us 30 days notice you would like to stop. Thirty days from April 15 is May 15 and we will stop our services on May 15 prorating your monthly optimization fees through that date.
You are responsible to tell us you have a new credit card for billing. Google will stop your ads from appearing for non payment. In most cases we will also catch this as your credit card will not work for either Google ads, nor for our fees.
No, Pay Per Click advertising using AdWords is paid advertising and will not influence your SEO or organic rank.
From the time we activate your campaign(s) Google needs a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks to accumulate enough clicks to have valid statistical data. Your first report will be sent to you via PDF after 30 days and every 30 days thereafter and you will have an opportunity to schedule a meeting with us to review that report and get any questions you may have answered.
We never sell your information or give it to third parties. We only use your information for customer service and outreach on behalf of US Marketing.